I can't even remember when I first started taking pictures. Even when I was little, having a camera in my hand always seemed so natural for me. My grandmother and her sisters always had a camera in hand to capture special moments. Recently I found out that my great grandmother was a photographer, and she even had her own dark room. I knew my interest had to come from somewhere. I see everything in life as a picture.......like moments in time. I have been taking pictures for my family and friends for many years. I also worked at JC Penney's Studio and learned a lot about posing.  I have taken classes at Houston Center for Photography as well.  I finally decided to start my own photography business. I consider it a privilege for somebody to trust me enough with their precious moments. I can't wait to see where this new adventure takes me.

Many Blessings,
Mandi Richardson


Member PPA - The Professional Photographers Association, Texas Photographic Society and member/student at The Houston Center for Photography